Candle, Cookout, and Poetry

Candle, Cookout, and Poetry


“I have energy,” I thought as I drove home from work around 4pm. I noticed because lately, I haven’t. Maybe it was not using my CPAP machine regularly (no excuse for that) or that my shift was over before the sun set. Maybe it was the magnificent cool weather. Whatever, I had a spring in my step even after an hour of running errands. I decided to have a cookout.

I put brats in a pan of beer to precook and simmered canned baked beans with onion, mustard, and molasses. The grill was heating up and I tackled dishes left in the sink. Then, when I put the brats on, I placed a candle on the outside table and sat down to read some poetry and drink the Heineken I hadn’t used to cook the brats.

Pink clouds streaked the sky. Swallows dipped and soared. And Mary Oliver took me to dark summer ponds covered with lilies. (“The Ponds” in New and Selected Poems, p92-93.)

I plopped a couple of brats into whole wheat buns slathered with Dijon mustard, scooped baked beans into a little bowl and mounded the remaining space of my plate with some chips.

My neighbor has been sharing tomatoes, and even though the one I sliced was sweet, I sprinkled a little sugar on one slice to remember my mom and dinners around the table when I was a child. We always sprinkled tomatoes with sugar. Maybe it was a ploy to  convince the kids to eat their vegetables. I enjoyed the taste and the memories.

So, I sat, munching dinner under a darkening sky and reading “The Ponds,” marveling along with Mary Oliver at the light of countless lilies floating on dark summer ponds. [Read more…]

The Grace of Friendship

The Grace of Friendship


Originally published in The Catholic Times  September 8, 2013   Volume 62:42


The invitation appeared in my email: A birthday party for Mike. I’ve known him since I was eighteen. Then we both played guitar, sang, wrote songs, and energized the local “folk Mass” movement after Vatican II. He and his wife, Patty, welcomed me into their home, and I babysat for their young children who clamored for Mike’s attention when we practiced music there. Patty always came to the rescue. Over the years, my guitar has seen less use. Mike’s is always humming.

Having made adjustments to my work schedule, I picked up a friend and we drove together to the party. Mike was turning 75.

“Couldn’t miss this,” I said as we traveled from one small berg to another.

My friend nodded. “There are plenty of things in life that are hard, that bring tears. We must celebrate the happy moments. What brings life, and joy,” he said, his voice as Italian as the gift of wine resting at his feet.

Light and Irish music poured out of the American Legion as we walked toward the door. The evening was an embarrassment of riches: Greetings, hugs, and friends gathered to tell stories and catch up on one another’s lives. Food and drink kept coming, and everyone joined in a refrain written for the occasion. Mike, Nick, and Anne, who have been singing together for years, treated us to a few songs while the singing Ladies of Longford took their break. More music. More conversation.

Driving through night on my way home, I thought about friendship. What is the grace of friendship? What moves someone out of the mass of acquaintances into that treasured group? Into one’s heart and soul? [Read more…]

Of Identity, Faith, and Love

Of Identity, Faith, and Love

by Sara Davis Buechner

 As difficult as it is for me to define the music I play in words, so it is with religion. The two are deeply intertwined within my soul, and the expression of both is something that takes me into a realm far different, far higher, than the ordinary experience of daily life. It’s fair to say that my life would, indeed, have no meaning without music, and thus I may say also of a life without God, without spirit, without a daily soulful prayer to the Creator. Since earliest memory I have had the need within, to make a joyful noise unto the Lord.

As a young child, the most joyful times in my life circled around the music played on our home piano, the Mozart Symphonies that came into our living room on the radio, the classical records my mother bought for our RCA turntable, and most of all the piano lessons taken on the lap of one of the most spiritual and loving human beings I know, a then-young Hungarian refugee named Veronika Wolf.  [Read more…]

Truth Tellers

Truth Tellers

Jeremiah, Jerusalem, prophet, Bible

Cry of the Prophet Jeremiah on the Ruins of Jerusalem by Illya Repin 1870

King Zedekiah was a bit of a “waffler” when it came to Jeremiah. First, he gave the prophet over to those who wanted to put him to death. “He is demoralizing the soldiers who are left in the city,” they princes told the king. Jeremiah was proclaiming the truth he had heard from God and predicting the fall of Jerusalem. Not welcome news.

After the leaders had lowered Jeremiah into an empty cistern full of mud, a court official came to the king and pleaded for Jeremiah’s life. The king told him to go, get help, and pull Jeremiah up out of the cistern before he died.

Ahh…such is it with truth tellers: Reviled and revered. In and out of favor. Then and now.

To be a truth teller is to risk ridicule, abuse, even death. We have seen in out our own day. Truth tellers like Martin Luther King, Jr and Sr. Dorothy Stang gave their lives for speaking the truth. Countless others who stand up to injustice pay a high price.

Today’s gospel made clear the risk one takes in being a follower of Jesus: “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. ” LK 12, 51. Sounds harsh. Not what we expect. But, when you think about it, when one stands firm in truth, resistance follows. Especially from the powerful. It is rooted in fear.

“It is not power that corrupts but fear,” said Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyi. “Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.”

We see fear at work in our society today, working to silence those who speak out against injustice. Who would shine light into dark places we would rather not see. Who give voice and presence to the marginalized among us. One example is the swift and ferocious push back against the passage of the California bill that gives protection to transgender students. Those whose voices protest the loudest are those who are uniformed and filled with fear. [Read more…]

Need for Education: Transgender

Need for Education: Transgender


Response to California’s new law (the first in the USA that provides statewide protection for trans students) makes something clear: The public needs education on what being transgender means. As I listened to news casts and read comments, one word kept jumping out at me. “Choice.” The perception of many is that trans people, whatever their age, “choose” to be transgendered.

Listen to CNN’s Brooke Baldwin who, while maintaining a neutral stance, began yesterday’s News Room segment with a summary of the new law stating that the trans student’s rights are “just based upon which gender a boy or girl chooses to identify with.” One of her guests, Randy Thomasson, president of anti-LGBT hate group, Save California, responded to her question about what he would do if he had a daughter who identified with boys by suggesting that such a child’s sexual confusion could be the result of abuse or abandonment. I am not taking issue with the helpfulness of professional counseling, but with the idea that one “becomes transgender” as a result of abuse in whatever form. In other words, it’s a choice. It’s “curable.”

California #AB1266, transgender rightsThe reality is, transgender persons, like all of us,  are born with an deep innate sense of gender. Their body doesn’t match.

CBS NewsOnle’s report addressed the issue. While the opening statement still included the idea that school children choose their gender, the reporter, John Blackstone, interviewed an eighteen-year-old transgender student, Logan, and brought up the question of choice. Logan, of course, was clear. No one would choose such a life. No. Being transgender is not a choice.

Perhaps what will most help dispel the misconception that people choose to be transgender is what Masen Davis, Executive Director of the Transgender Law Center, mentioned on the CNN report: Getting to know a transgender person.  “I realize that not everybody in America has had the opportunity to get to know a transgender person…,”  Masen said. Fear and hatred are fueled by ignorance. Whether through getting to know a transgender person, watching stories of transgender persons on television specials or online, or reading those stories in books or other media, one of the first things a person will learn is being transgender is not a choice.

Showing God’s Merciful Face

Showing God’s Merciful Face

Fountain, Rome, Italy, Egyptian Obelisk

Fountain in Rome
PHOTO: Mary van Balen

Fountains are everywhere in Rome. Many famous. Many not. The amazing thing about them is their water is fresh, clean enough to drink. “Keep your water bottle,” my daughter advised when she saw me draining the last drop early in the morning. “We can refill it at the fountains all day long.”

How right she was. People of all ages crowded around the fountains, catching streams of clear, cold water in their plastic bottles. At some places, water in a bottle was not enough, and people put their heads under the spouts or stepped into the shallow pools to find relief from August heat.

I have to hand it to Pope Francis. Rome in August is not for the faint-hearted. His choice to forgo a month in the summer residence takes stamina. So did his trip to Brazil for World Youth Day and his good humor during a long press conference aboard the plane on his return to Rome.

What I find as welcome as water pouring out of Rome’s fountains is the kindness and humility coming from the heart of the new pope. While not signaling changes in Church teaching on homosexuality, which many hope will come eventually, Pope Francis shows God’s merciful face when confronted with the issue.

Responding to questions about the possibility of discovering a gay priest in his service, he said “Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord? You can’t marginalize these people.”

Vatican, Saint Peter's Square

Fountain in St. Peter’s Square, Rome
PHOTO: Mary van Balen

Later on, according to an AP article quoted in a post by Paul Brandeis Raushenbush on Huffington Post’s Religion page, he took reporters to task for asking about an aide who had beensuspected of involvement in a gay tryst ten years ago. That was not an issue of criminal behavior, as abusing children. It was a matter of sin, he said. When someone sins and confesses, God both forgives and forgets.

“We don’t have the right to not forget,” he said.


Ask of the Days of Old

Ask of the Days of Old

corn muffins I was trying to sit quietly, to be aware of the Holy Presence within and without. The beeswax candle was burning. Scripture was waiting to be savored. And corn muffins were baking in the oven.

I couldn’t be still. Too many things to do pushed into my brain along with a bit of panic that I could do them in time to meet deadlines…some very public deadlines. Breathe in. Breathe out. Be still. I tried. I failed.

I wondered if I still believed in the Holy Presence that is the original milieu. The place where I live and breath and have my being. “Yes,” my mind gave the conditioned response. “Then why can’t I rest in the mystical embrace?” it wondered. Too busy to linger long on any one thing, it darted off to books, phone calls, appointments, writing, and work at Macy’s.

Mercifully, the oven’s buzzer announced the corn muffins were ready, and I had a good reason to get up and focus on something closer at hand. I spread butter on steaming soft insides of the yellow muffin.

I read over the Old Testament reading from Deuteronomy: “Moses said to the people: “Ask now of the days of old, before your time, ever since God created people on the earth; ask from one end of the sky to the other: Did anything so great ever happen before? Was it ever heard of? Did a people ever hear the voice of God speaking from the midst of fire, as you did, and live?”

“Ask of the days of old.” Maybe that’s what I can do. Remember. Not only creation and ancient history, and history of a particular people, but my history. The times I heard God’s voice speaking from the midst of fires in my life.

“Even the people who knew Moses and his story of the burning bush needed reminded,” I thought.

I took a buttery bite of warm breakfast. It tasted like hope.

Called to Notice, Call to Love

Called to Notice, Call to Love

Originally published in the Catholic Times

Sunday’s readings from Deuteronomy and from Luke emphasize two things: God’s law is the law of love, and it resides deep within each of us, as close as our mouths and our hearts. The Old Testament reading is taken from the end of Moses’ speech to the Israelites who had completed the long wanderings in the desert and were on the brink of entering the Promised Land.

Moses had recapped the struggles of their journey, told them blessings come from their curse, and that God would gather them back from the nations where they were scattered. The command Moses gave to the people, to turn back to God with their entire being, was attainable. Unlike Gilgamesh, the hero of the ancient Mesopotamian epic, who traveled to the ends of the earth, to the depths of the sea, and to the heavens, in search of the secrets of the gods, the Israelites had God’s word on their lips and in their hearts. They had only to obey it.

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Mother Katharine Drexel for Encyclopedia

Mother Katharine Drexel for Encyclopedia

Mary was asked to write the history of Mother Katharine Drexel for the Encyclopedia of Catholic Social Thought, Social Science, and Social Policy. Below is her contribution to the book.


An heiress who gave her life and fortune to found the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, an order dedicated to serving Native Americans and African Americans, Katharine Drexel was driven by her love of God, the Eucharist, and the poor to establish schools and chapels across the United States, from reservations in the West to ghettos in New York City to backwater towns of Louisiana.

Katharine was born on November 26, 1858, the second daughter of wealthy Philadelphia banker, Francis A. Drexel, and Hannah Langstroth, who died five weeks after giving birth. In 1860 Katharine’s father married Emma Bouvier, who became the mother of his third daughter. Both Francis and Emma were devout Catholics, and one cannot overestimate the influence family had upon the Drexel girls. They lived in a home filled with love and formed by faith. In her later years, when asked about family prayer in her childhood, Katharine said, “Prayer was like breathing.”

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Not Limelight, but Twilight

Not Limelight, but Twilight

By James Scott P. Pignatella

I am a multifaceted person, as most folks are. One of my facets is photography, which started from a Polaroid camera gifted to me when I finished eighth grade. In the twenty-five plus years since, it’s become a semi-professional hobby. Light completely changes the character of a photo. The best photos are not taken at high noon or in the dark of night. The photos with the most character are often taken in the moments of twilight; sunrises, sunsets, or not far from it.

Some of my other facets include that I am Catholic; a scientist, (an engineer, to be precise); a musician; an actor; an outdoorsman; a literary critic; a mentor; an amateur theologian and historian…a bit of a modern day renaissance man, perhaps. I am also a transman, also known as a female-to-male transsexual. That’s the facet that has tended to be problematic for me and for others. I have always been male, but, when I was young, I was not always consistently seen as such. In fact, there were constant expectations made by those who ‘knew better’ for me to be someone I wasn’t, namely a female. I never met those expectations.

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