Happy Saint Nicholas Day

Friends are coming to dinner tonight. We meet once a month for dinner, conversation, and prayer. This is the fist gathering I have hosted in my new place, and I am looking forward to it. I cleaned, put on “Vespers” by Rachmaninoff, and lit candles. What a wonderful way to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas. Three gold coins sit on each plate, remembering’ the story of Nicholas helping a poor man and this three daughters by tossing a bag of gold coins into the young women’s window, providing a dowery for each. One story claims the gold fell into their stockings, and thus, we hang Christmas stockings to be filled with small gifts.

Tonight, as we gather for prayer, we will read over today’s Scriptures which speak of God’s great love for every person and desire to take care of the poor. God is compared to a shepherd caring for his sheep, searching for one who wanders away, not wanting to lose even one. Readings from Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Mark echo the theme of Love wrapping us up, protecting us, and making sure we arrive safely home.

That wonderful Presence of Love, God-with-Us is something to celebrate tonight in the midst of Advent. We are waiting for Love, we are receiving Love, we are to bring Love into the world.

During this season, remembering the centrality of that Holy Presence will help us make it through the crazy commercialism that threatens to take over the holiday, at least in this country. St. Nicholas was a generous presence among his people both before and after he became a bishop. This evening, I will reflect on my friends who are gathering with me and the presence they bring: Not gifts wrapped in boxes or pretty bags, but the gifts of themselves and the God they share with each other.

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