Jupiter: Closest in 47 years

Chart: Astro Bob
If you have clear skies tonight and a chance to go outside after 9pm, you will see Jupiter brighter than any star in the sky. The planet is closer to earth than it has been for forty-seven years! If you are interested in finding out why, check Astro Bob’s website, a user friendly site for those who are new to watching the night sky as well as for those with more experience.

Jupiter will be easy to see for a number of nights, so if you didn’t see it tonight, you will have plenty of opportunities to enjoy the sight. However, the planet will be a bit further away tomorrow and nights following.

I love to sit out in the long wooden swing just outside the back door. Even in light-polluted city skies, Jupiter and the moon are breathtaking. A small pair of binoculars will enhance your view of the moon, and perhaps you will be able to see one or more of Jupiter’s moons. If you have a telescope, consult Astro Bob’s website for times when Jupiter’s large red spot will be visible.

Perhaps Psalm 8 was written on a night like tonight. I include James Cotter’s rendering of the Psalm. ( Psalms for a Pilgrim People) Those of you familiar with Cotter’s work will not be surprised, but if you have not read his “unfolding” of Psalms, you probably will be as you read his additions to this one. While it is not a new or literal translation, Cotter’s words capture the wonder of the universe from the perspective of a 21st century poet.

“Refrain: Creator bod, Source of all life,
how gloriously does your name resound,
echoing to the bounds of the universe!

The morning stars sing for joy, and the youngest child cries your name.
The weak in the world shame the strong, and silence the proud and rebellious.

When I look at the heavens, even the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars majestic in their courses –
the eagle riding the air, the dolphin ploughing the sea,
the gazelle leaping the wind, the sheep grazing the fells –
who are we humans beings that you keep us in mind,
children, women, and men that you care so much for us?

Yet still you bring us to life, creating us after your image,
stewards of the planet you give us as our home.
How awesome a task you entrust to our hands.
How fragile and beautiful is this good earth.

Creator God, amid the immensities of the universe you seek us out and call us to be partners in your work of creating. May we not fail you.”

© 2010 Mary van Balen

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