Mediated Grace

Mediated Grace

PHOTO: Mary van Balen

Thus says the Lord: ‘As the rain and the snow come down from the heavens and do not return without watering the earth, making it yield and giving growth to provide seed for the sower and bread for the eating, so the word that goes from my mouth does not return to me empty, without carrying out my will and succeeding in what it was sent to do.’
First Reading Isaiah 55:10-11

This passage always draws me in, speaking to my deepest self. Perhaps the imagery appeals to my love of snow, even in early spring, making an icy white stage for unfolding crocuses. The picture of nature’s lush response to April’s rains, holding the promise of blossoms and harvest in each green blade and clenched bud brings a smile and hope to my heart.

God’s Word is life-giving. Nothing, not even a closed or fearful heart can prevent it from filling the world with Grace. Like warming temperatures and longer days, God’s own life prevails. Nothing can keep flowers in the ground or leaves from unfurling on the web of tree branches once they feel the sun and drink the rains.

Karl Rahner said all grace is mediated…it comes to us through matter. Lent is a good time to train the eyes of our hearts to see God’s self giving all around us and to teach our souls to hope. God’s Word comes to us, and its
life giving breath will not be denied.
© 2011 Mary van Balen

PHOTO: Br. Paul Jasmer OSB

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