Not Sacrifices, but Hearts of Love

Rublev’s Trinity Inviting us to join with the Trinity, the Family who is our God

I know that you are descendants of Abraham;
yet you look for an opportunity to kill me
because there is no place in you for my word.
I declare what I have seen in the Father’s presence;
as for you, you should do what you hear from the Father.
Jn 8, 37-38

I have always had difficulty with atonement theories that answered the question, “Why did Jesus have to die?” with the explanation that God’s justice demanded the death of God’s son in our stead. God sent the Son to die. That does not harmonize with my faith and experience of God as one who loves completely, forgives all, and desires unity with us and creation.

For many Christians, the idea of Jesus’ death as his bearing the punishment deserved by us (penal substitution or substitutionary atonement) is the only understanding of the cross that they have heard. It is not the only one.

There are others: Christ Victor, a more ancient, relational, and incarnational understanding of Jesus’ death- Jesus did not satisfy a Divine need for a bloody sacrifice, but rather came to be one with us and to free us from the power of sin; moral influence theory – Jesus death on the cross was the ultimate revelation of God’s love for us, and by its example, moves human beings to imitate that love in their lives.

Jesus’ words in today’s reading speak to my heat: “There is no place in you for my word.” Jesus’ entire life was his work, not just his death. The crucifixion was not God’s plan from all eternity. How could a loving God have such a need for bloody sacrifice? Even in the Hebrew Scriptures, references are found that say God does not desire bloody sacrifices, but pure hearts, hearts of love, hearts for God alone.

Jesus looked at those who desired to kill him and gave us the reason for the crucifixion: There was no room in their hearts for God’s word…for Jesus…for his example and life of radical love and inclusion. Jesus threatened them, and they wanted him dead. They could not embrace the Kingdom that he preached and that he lived.

Jesus, I try to empty my heart of all that crowds out your Love. Help me to have room within my being for your word. Help me join in your work, willing to suffer when those who are afraid of your mercy and forgiveness for all attempt to snuff it out in those who desire to follow your example.

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