The Saints Who Walk Among Us

All Saints Day II by Kadinsky The short reading for today’s Sext or Midday prayer is simple and appropriate for All Saints Day: Be holy in all you do, since it is the Holy One who has called you, and scripture says: Be holy, for I am holy. Peter 1:15-16

The universal call to holiness, expressed eloquently in the Vatican II document, Lumen Gentium Chapter V, is for all, no matter their state. We are reminded of the two great commandments: Love God and love your neighbor. Holiness is not something we possess but a way we live. It is not something found only in hours on ones knees at prayer or in a church.

Holiness is the way, not the destination. It is sharing with others, with the world, the gift of Love and Divine Life placed in each of us.Being faithful to the call to holiness is difficult, yet we are given the grace to persevere. We might be surprised not only by where we are called to bring compassion, but also by who brings it to us.

God’s gifts can flow through those we least expect. Saint Benedict’s Rule instructs us to greet every visitor as Christ, especially the poor and the pilgrims:

In the reception of the poor and of pilgrims
the greatest care and solicitude should be shown,
because it is especially in them that Christ is received;
for as far as the rich are concerned,
the very fear which they inspire
wins respect for them. (RB Chapter 53)

Often the poor, the ones we least expect to help us to holiness are the ones who bless us.

Today, as we celebrate All Saints Day, let us be open to the saints who walk among us, in whatever guise.

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