We’re Like This…

We’re Like This…

“…You are the Christ, the Son of the living God…..you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church.” Mt 16

For some, this passage from Matthew’s gospel is justification for papal authority, for a pope in the first place. I don’t think Jesus intended to establish the modern papacy with this statement. What I heard this morning as I sat with these words was “intimacy.” Peter knew Jesus, and Jesus knew him. Isn’t that what intimacy is, knowing and being known? Something we crave to have with another human being, but more profoundly, with God?

“God and I, we’re like this!” one might say, holding up a hand with two fingers crossed, as close as they can get. Peter recognized Jesus as the one who was to come, the messiah, even if his understanding of Jesus’ mission needed a little work. And Jesus knew his friend. He knew that his life and his words would be critical to bringing God’s kingdom.

Even if Peter’s “rockness” was more like sandstone than granite, who he was would be important in spreading the word. Sure, Peter would waver, would even deny Jesus, but in the end, he would be true to the reality Jesus saw in him. One of my favorite stories of Peter is the one he told those in Jerusalem who took issue with him for eating with Gentiles (Acts 11). It is the story of Peter’s vision: A sheet descending from heaven filled with earthly creatures and then the voice of God commanding Peter to kill and eat. Peter couldn’t imagine such a thing. “Nothing unholy or unclean has ever entered into my mouth.” Three times he had this vision and heard this command. Eventually he understood: The Gentiles were called by God as well. “…who am I to stand in God’s way?”

Good question. Sounds like God is all for diversity.

“”God knows me, too,” I thought. “My weakness but also my glory.” God trusts that eventually, I will do the work I have to do. And God loves me. Like the bible school song says: “Jesus loves me this I know…”

Do I? Know it, I mean? Some days more than others. I’ll try to remember.

“You are Jesus, Son of the living God…”

“You are Mary. We’re like this….”

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