Winter Sun

PhOTO: Mary van Balen This winter has been mild, giving us some almost balmy sunny days. One morning the light coming in my bedroom window was so strong that I grouped plants from around the room onto one dresser so they could benefit from the rays. I sat on my bed and looked at them, enjoying the shine on their leaves and imagining the roots stretching and moving around in the warm soil.

Today I decided to ignore usual “day off chores” and soak up the sun as well. I stepped outside and decided to walk toward the used furniture store that provided my dining room table. I crossed to the sunny side of the street, took a deep breath, and savored the sun’s warmth on my face.

A perfectly shaped balsam fir, having finished its work as a Christmas tree, lay by the curb waiting, I hoped, to be picked up and turned into mulch rather than into landfill debris. I moved aside to make room for a young woman pushing a jogging baby stroller while keeping track of a large black lab on a leash. We smiled and nodded as we passed.

I did a little window shopping and checked out a shoe repair/used clothing store. The proprietor assured me that he could fix a broken zipper on a pair of high black boots. I crossed the street to browse through my favorite used furniture store and eventually began the walk home.

Turning onto my street, facing the sunlight straight on, I stood and soaked up its energy and warmth…like the plants on my dresser. I am creative about finding ways to put off laundry and other housekeeping chores, but this walk was not an excuse. It was pure gift, not to be missed next time it is offered.

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